Flipkart Delivery Boy Salary – Flipkart Delivery Boy 2021 – Income, Duty – Is the Best Company in India

Now Online Market are grow speedy as compare to the Offline Market. Now anyone can easily order their items through e-commerce website or application. Just open your mobile type your item name then order after that 3-4 days your item will be deliver to your mentioned address.

flipkart delivery boy salary
flipkart delivery boy salary

The top company of e-commerce is now Flipkart. So many workers working here through offline and online. But the most popular post if Flipkart Delivery Boy Job. Because it can you do at your Location. So this post is very need for all users.

Flipkart Delivery Boy Duty

The duty of Flipkart Delivery Boy is depends the how much order available in the day. Because the Flipkart Deliver Boy have to go to the Flipkart Office for collect the items in the morning. Then he goes for delivery and return back in the launch time, it also known as the First Lot. Second Lot is starting after launch then you can pick the items and delivery the same. So it depends how many numbers of items have to deliver. If you deliver all the order in 2 hours then also you can get pay same money.

flipkart delivery boy salary
flipkart delivery boy salary

Flipkart Delivery Boy Salary

The flipkart is fix the income of Delivery Boy. Deliver Boy can get the income per order or also if he want to take the salary in the month wise then also it can be possible. Flipkart Delivery Boy can get income per order. For example: If he pick the 10 products in the morning and if he delivered all the items then he can get receive 20 to 22 rupees per products. Their income per order is 15 to 22 rupaye. If he delivered 100% items then he get highest money, if he deliver only 50% of the items then he can receive 15 to 18 rupaye per order.

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Those Delivery Boy want to take the money at the end of the month then he can receive the money next month 10 to 12th day.

So that mean is Flipkart Delivery Boy can get receive every month approx. Rs.20,000/- Its depends his working capability and how many days he leave from work.

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